Summer Recipes

Spring Recipes
28 April 2021
Autumn Recipes
29 October 2021

Dear friends,

with the approach of the summer quarter we are presenting the second set of the recipes of this project focused on the pairings between the dishes prepared by my niece Flavia Borawska and the wines of Villa Calcinaia.

The first recipe we would like to present is the Mezzemaniche with octopus sauce and the wine chosen for this pairing is the Villa Calcinaia Mammolo IGT. A tasty summer dish, flavourful but not too intense that finds an ideal combination with the Mammolo grape which, with its floral aromas and acidity, made even sweeter by the tomato sauce,  cleanses the unctuosity from the palate without overwhelming the dish.

The second proposal for this summer quarter is the Beef Tartare to be paired with the Villa Calcinaia Rosato IGT made from 100% Canaiolo grapes . Tartar is an ideal dish during the summer season for its freshness and delicacy. However, since it is raw meat it is very important to choose a wine with a low content of tannins because the combination of tannins and the blood component contained in the meat would produce an unpleasant metallic taste. The Villa Calcinaia Rosato pairs well with this dish because the Canaiolo varietal  has a naturally low tannic content, moreover by extracting the must from the grapes without  pressing them and only using the free run juice  allows us to reduce or even avoid altogether the extraction of tannins contained in the skins and in the grape seeds.

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